The New Organisational Structure and Culture
Philip loses sight of time when he is busy with the welfare and productivity of peopleand organization.
That was soon refl ected in his career. As a manager, he introduced a coaching styleand a more eff ective work process (‘agile’). Both unusual where he worked. Withvisible results in the fi eld of working atmosphere and productivity.
Training to be an industrial engineer electronics was far from a good study choice.His heart and talent lies in the domain of what one calls ‘business psychology’. He re-schooled himself, and since 2011 has only been busy with training and coaching.
Many organizations in today’s society are struggling with the rapid extent with whicheverything evolves and face a high absenteeism. Philip believes that much can bedone that is not yet being done. That keeps him busy. He gets inspiration fromeverything that is related to what is called ‘learning organizations’ in order to be ofsignifi cance in that area.
He coaches (career, managers, teams), provides training (coaching skills, MBTI), andgives presentations (about the new organizational structure and culture).
In his spare time you will fi nd him on a Balfolk dance fl oor, while jogging in the silentnature, making notes in the umpteenth book, or participating in a course.